

Xiphias: Using A Multi-Dimensional Approach Towards Creating Meaningful-Gamification-Based Badge Mechanics

Grant giving body: University Research Council, Ateneo de Manila University
Grant Total: ₱487,500.00
January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

The main objective of the study is to design, create and test a few novel Meaningful -Gamification-based badges through a multi-dimensional approach where the badge mechanics are based on three constructs namely, (1) Clear’s Behavior Change Model of Clear, (2) Hari’s Lost Connections Model and (3) Peterson et. al’s Five Factors Model.

Output Publications

Output Applications and Relevant Links:

Xiphias gamification website
Xiphias gamification Facebook page
Culminating talk given by Samsung R&D Institute Philippines


MAGIS: Mobile Augmented Reality Game Engine for Instructional Support

Grant giving body: ALLS (through the CHED grant of the same name)
Grant Total: P497,724.00
November 1, 2017 to October 31, 2018

The purpose of the grant is to support the building of additional features into MAGIS: Mobile Augmented Reality Game Engine for Instructional Support developed by the Ateneo Laboratory for the learning Sciences. The broader objective of ALLS was to enhance current AR tracking algorithms and include other interactivity modes apart from narrative-based adventure games.

Output Publications

Output applications and relevant links